Good to Know
Please note that the following posts reflect our personal experience only. While we hope, you‘ll find these tips useful, we cannot guarantee their correctness and accuracy. We can also not be held responsible, if you follow any of our tips and they somehow do not work out for you.

What to Wear in Winter
Bringing the right winter gear for your Arctic expedition will make sure you can enjoy the magnificent wildlife and landscapes.

Photographing the Aurora Borealis
The aurora borealis is one of the most stunning natural phenomenons. However, it‘s also one of the most elusive. Therefore, it‘s a good idea to be prepared if you ever travel to places, where the northern lights might show up.

Air Travel for Photographers
Airlines impose tight restrictions on the weight and size of your bags, especially the carry on bags. We are explaining here, what has worked for us in the past to avoid unnecessary problems.

Traveling to Remote Places
Most of us are used to online shopping and the constant availability of anything you might need. But don‘t forget, that there are many remote places on earth, where these comforts are not available. If you travel to remote places, you have to bring everything you might need.

Cold Weather Photography
The good news is, that any camera gear will withstand colder temperatures than their owners. But you have to take some precautions anyway, to prevent cameras from (at least temporary) shutting down. And you should take good care of yourself, too.