About Us
Photo by Jad Davenport
Fabienne Jansen
My first trip north of the Arctic Circle was a trip to the North Cape. It was probably there, where I have been infected by the “polar virus”. The more we traveled to these spectacular landscapes, enjoyed the unique, soft light and encountered arctic wildlife, the more I grew into photography. For many years, my camera(s) are always taking up the major part of my carry on bags…
Together with my husband, Christoph, I am shooting as “Arctic Wild”.
Christoph Jansen
Already as a child, I snapped some photos. However, these were really only for family use. On our arctic expeditions, this picture snapping eventually evolved into taking or even making pictures. Being able to freeze the moment and relive it over and over, is my main motivation for carrying loads of photo gear to these remote regions and to fight the freezing cold for hours…
Together with my wife, Fabienne, I am shooting as “Arctic Wild”.